Our Ministries

Children's Ministries

Here at Buford Grove, we love kids! We try to have many programs that your child will be excited to be involved with each week. Every Sunday your child will sing fun Bible songs, play games, eat snacks, watch a puppet show, spend time on the playground, and learn character building lessons from the Bible. Throughout the year we have many programs such as: Vacation Bible School, Summer Camp, Carnivals, Bounce Houses and many special days! Contact us to arrange free transportation to and from church!

"We recognize that the next generation is under attack like never before. We want to do all we can to help mom and dad point their kids the right direction in life by introducing them to Jesus Christ and the Bible at a young age. It is our desire to help them find and make friends their age from other Christian families. We want to create an atmosphere where it is popular to do what is right instead of feeling pressure to do what is wrong. We want to make church a place that is fun. A place they will never forget." - Pastor Keith

Weekly Kids Services:

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM

Children's Church @ 11 AM

Wednesday Patch Club @ 7 PM


Loving nursery workers provide a clean and safe environment so parents can have peace of mind while they attend the adult church services. Nursery is provided for newborns through three year olds.

Teen Ministries

The main purpose of our Youth Ministry is not to entertain. It is to stimulate thoughts and emotions, which will draw our youth closer to God and will inspire them to pattern their attitudes and acts according to the teachings of Christ.

Our primary goal is to feature the personality of Jesus in such a way, that youth will accept Him as savior and Lord.

We keep our teens plate's full with good clean things to do! They have multiple activities each month as well as weekly groups. There is always something exciting planned around the corner in the Buford Grove Teen Department. Follow our Facebook page to find out what youth events are coming up.

Weekly Teen Services:

Sunday School @ 9:45 AM

Wednesday Upper Room Youth Ministry @ 7 PM - Dinner @ 5:30


We are passionate about spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe. We are heavily invested in missions, currently supporting over forty mission works around the world through faith promise giving. Click on the link below to find out more about the mission works we support.

Music Ministry

Music is such an essential part of our worship service. Our goal is not to entertain, but to provide music that ministers to the spirit instead of appealing to the flesh, to sing songs that honor and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. Our church family can participate in the music ministry through specials, the choir, and congregational singing. "Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord". Ephesians 5:19

grocery outreach

At Buford Grove Baptist Church, we deeply care for our community, and desire to be a spiritual and physical help to the families who live here. We currently distribute an average of 3,000 lbs of groceries every week, offering prayer to every family who comes. For more information about our Grocery Outreach, please click here.

Prime Timers

The BGBC Prime Timers Ministry serves the older adult community.

We seek ways to show senior adults that they are a valuable asset to our society.

We believe that by performing this ministry we make the total community a better place to live.


To provide various fellowship activities that will encourage and help develop a bond of love which will be felt through the entire church.


Monthly activities include: Potluck lunches on the third Tuesday of the month 11:00 a.m. Special speakers, musical groups, shopping, sight-seeing day trips, and short bus trips.

AGE: 55 +